Looking to wear that backless dress or shirt? You know, every once in a while, I get to have a night where we dress up and go out. Usually it is for a work function for my better half, but still... date night is date night.
When I saw this Oolala bra up for review, I was not going to miss my chance. Its always in that last minute moment that you figure out you need one of these for an outfit, so why not be prepared. The bra is a self adhesive, backless bra and it is also one that promotes a tie string that can enhance the cleavage area.
So I took it apart. You know adhesive bras are not easy to put on. You get one side on, and then you put the second on with the wrong angle and you have to peel it off and reapply and then it feels great but then you realize the first one could have been put on better, so you peel that off. and start again. It is an awful circle of events.
But once I got them on, as appropriate for the amount of chest I have, and tied them up, I was satisfied. Then came the squeeze together... the part where the cleavage forms into this sexy heap that fills your shirts with low cuts. So here comes the downside in my opinion - if you have little to use, like me - your cleavage that does exist may just get smashed. I am actually curious if this happens for all brand bras like this since there is no additional padding to make something appear out of nothing. If you have something to work with, you may be more pleased with the cleavage aspect however, this bra does not have much in support that you may normally get from an underwire bra.
The upside, this bra is definitely going to work for my low cut in the back or backless shirts and dresses. This covers my chest well and because it doesn't have extra padding, it is light weight and won't weigh the girls down like some of the silicone strapless bras. It is easy to tie up and tighten. Easy to wipe clean afterwards and reapply the plastic to keep the adhesive intact. The fabric is smooth and soft.
One of the best parts is that your nipple will stay intact and will not get greatly pulled on when you remove it. Not going to lie - pulling adhesive bras off can be scary as you watch your skin stretch, no matter how cautious you are being. This bra has a nice area that your nipple basically sits in, so you don't have to worry about it later.
Downside includes the fact that a tight shirt or dress may be difficult to use unless you tuck the buckle and excess string well into the cleavage. (Here again, you have to have cleavage to hide it in.)
**Disclosure: I received this product for a discount in exchange for a honest and unbiased review.**