Monday, September 5, 2016

Review: Essential Oil in Lavender

**Disclosure: I received this product for a discount in exchange for a honest and unbiased review.**

So I am new to this essential oil thing.  Gave it a shot a few months back... bought two. Tried one.
Well, that is mom-life for ya! At least I tried.

And I am giving it a second shot.  New York Biology offered to let me give their lavender essential oil a try and I was ready and willing.  Mostly because my husband had actually been bugging me for some good smelling stuff to try putting on air filters.  I am sure he read about it somewhere and figured if he bugged me enough I would figure it out.  It was a match made in heaven - he wanted me to buy a new essential oil, and New York Biology wanted to give me an essential oil.  So I put my order in for NYB Lavender Essential Oil.

We received the bottle and of course it came in a dark bottle, which is a good start because you do not want your oils getting affected or broken down because of sunlight.  Opened that sucker up and... ahhh... a pleasant scent so far.  Honestly, I don't think my husband was a fan at the beginning.  I think he is used to commercial aromas for lavender rather than pure oil scents.  I assured him it was fine because I have had experience in a spa once or twice, and this aroma reminded me of those scents you find while relaxing or getting a massage.  We put drops in the filters and let it diffuse around the house.  It was a nice scent to have, relaxing for sure, but definitely takes some time to get used to.

Overall, I am pleased with this product.  I have not used it for anything else besides the aromatic abilities, but I am sure that I can find a few ways to put it to good use besides making my house smell nice. Pinterest - here I come!! When I learn to do more, I will update you!

**Disclosure: I received this product for a discount in exchange for a honest and unbiased review.**

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