Friday, September 9, 2016

Review: Tea Tree Essential Oil

**Disclosure: I received this product for a discount in exchange for a honest and unbiased review.** 

Every just had one of those weeks when you try to catch up but keep falling further and further behind. Welcome to my year... Can't seem to break my luck so what do I do. I say forget this - let's go try out my latest essential oil from New York Biology. I can't go wrong with that, right?

So I have used tea tree oil quite a bit before, as it may be the only essential oil I am even semi familiar with because I use it for a nice foot soak. My feet are tired. I push them to the limit and you can tell. The shoes I wear - heels, booties, sandals, boots, tennis, flip flops - I am sure you are guilty of it too. Then painting those toe nails constantly, to match our clothes, or just look cute. Fashionable feet is so much better than happy feet. So when I can call it quits on other stuff, I usually give my toes a break and a nice foot soak.

This is where I recommend tea tree oil. When I first researched it, I was looking to help my toe nails to look healthier, and to ensure my battered feet were staying clean. When you research tea tree oil you come to find that it is supposed to have antiseptic, cleaning characteristics. So I put a few drops in my foot soak, a bit of epsom salt, and ta da - an easy, relaxing, aromatic foot soak. Now the product seems to be of quality status - it came in a dark bottle to protect it from UV damage. It has a handy dandy dropper to make sure it is used properly. And to me - the aroma is wonderful. Clean. Strong. Refreshing.

 I hope that you too may find a use for this tea tree oil by New York Biology. I have been privileged to keep up with their products and they do not disappoint!

 **Disclosure: I received this product for a discount in exchange for a honest and unbiased review.**

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